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Screenwriter and cartoonist, painter, graphic artist. In the 1990s he was associated with the punk counterculture and the Third Circuit. Author and editor of one of the first comic fanzines 'Prosiacek', co-creator of many music and art zines of the time.
Author of comics that have been reprinted several times: the story of the Silesian rat man 'Ratboy' and the apocalyptic 'Ósmej czary'. One of the cartoonists of the contemporary Division 7 series.
In 2016 he was awarded the triple prize of the Polish Comics Association for the graphic novel 'You'll be fried in hell' (best illustrator, best scriptwriter and best Polish comic) and the prize of the 28th International Comics Festival in Łódź for the best Polish comic album. The album 'Oszołomiające bajki urłałckie' was also awarded a prize at the Łódź Festival, and was simultaneously honoured with the Orient Men Awards (for drawing, script and best album) and the Nowa Fantastyka Award (Polish Comic Book of the Year 2022).
Winner of a special award for lifetime achievement in the field of independent comics at the Golden Chickens Independent Comics Festival 2016.
As he says, he used to describe and draw people from the outside, now he tries to show their inside.
More recently, he has turned to painting. He paints specific places he has visited: Katowice, Wroclaw, Lodz and others. He 'populates' forgotten courtyards, walls swallowed by vegetation, hidden passages, abandoned tenements with anthropomorphic cats, often a reflection of the last inhabitants.

facebook: Prosiak
instagram: Prosiak_art