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Born on 2nd July 1974 in Tychy. Studied at the Academyof Fine Arts in Kraków, the Faculty of Graphicsin Katowice.
Her graduation work in the Studio of Painting and Drawing run by Prof. Roman Nowotarski and Studioof Graphic Design run by Prof. Tomasz Jura, was awarded with a medal in 1998.
From 2000 to 2004, the President of the Association of Artists and Designers from Chorzów (SChAP).
Since 2001, the Director of the MM Municipal Art Gallery in Chorzów.
She pursues painting, graphics (linocut) and commercial design.

Individual exhibitions:
BWA Sandomierz; Galeria Dwór Karwacjanów, Gorlice; Galeria Sztuki Współczesnej, Kołobrzeg; Espace Matisse, Creil, France; Stara Prochownia, Warszawa; BWA Jatki,  Nowy Targ; Ignis, Köln, Niemcy; Galeria ASP, Górnośląskie Centrum Kultury, Katowice

Group exhibitions:
Biennale Milano, International Art Meeting presentata da Vittorio Sgarbi, Brera Site, Mediolan;
Presenze nell’arte contemporanea: Emergenti del XXI secolo e Maestri del XX secolo - Carrà, Sironi, Rosai,  Guttuso, Annigoni, Bazylika San Lorenzo, Krypta Donatella, Florencja, Italy; 57a Biennale di Venezia, Spoleto Pavilion a cura di Vittorio Scarbi, Palazzo Grifalconi Loredan, Wenecja, Italy; Tychy Art 2016 i 2014, Galeria Obok, Tychy; XII Międzynarodowy Jesienny Salon Sztuki, BWA Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski; Hommage à Nowotarski, Muzeum Historii Katowic; Ogrody 2013, BWA Wałbrzych, Zamek Książ; Biennale Malarstwa QUADRO-ART., Centralne Muzeum Włókiennictwa, Łódź; X Salon Wielkopolski 2011, Muzeum Ziemi Czarnkowskiej, Czarnków; Jestem, BWA Katowice ; Obraz Roku 2004 im. Ewy Świtalskiej, Pałac Królikarnia, Warszawa;  II Ogólnopolski Konkurs im. M. Michalika na Obraz dla Młodych Malarzy, Miejska Galeria Sztuki w Częstochowie, Instytut Polski w Sztokholmie; Lexmark European Art Prize 2004, Galeria Program, Warszawa, Muzeum Galicja, Kraków; Ein Polnisches Treffen in Köln, Ignis, Köln, Germany

Mayor of Chorzów Award in Culture in the category of artistic achievements, distinction in the Ewa Świtalska Painting of the Year 2004 competition, laureate of Lexmark European Art Prize 2004, medal for the graduation work, Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków
Aleksandra Rey works mainly painting and linocut. Works in series. Works thematically related to nature and the city. The artist in her works shows not only the admiration for the power of nature, but also the mutual dependencies between human activity and nature.